5 Ways To Handle Sales Objections When Selling SaaS Services

Let’s face it, objections are a part of the sales process, especially when it comes to selling SaaS services. Whether it’s concerns about price or questions about the service’s capabilities, objections are bound to happen. But, the good news is, with the right approach, you can effectively handle these objections and close the sale. Here are five ways to make that happen:

1. Listen actively. One of the most important things you can do when dealing with objections is to really listen to what your potential customer is saying. For example, when a customer expresses concern about the cost of your SaaS service, instead of immediately jumping to counter that objection, you can ask follow-up questions to understand their budget constraints and how they currently handle the issue that your software solves. This shows you’re attentive and willing to find a way to meet their needs.

2. Use specific examples. When responding to objections, it’s important to provide specific examples and data to back up your claims. For example, if a potential customer is concerned about the reliability of your SaaS service, you can provide statistics on uptime or case studies from other customers who have seen success with the service.

3. Address the customer’s pain points. Every customer has different pain points and concerns, so it’s important to address these specifically when handling objections. For example, a customer may be concerned about the difficulty of integrating your SaaS service with their existing systems. You can address this by explaining the simple steps of integration, or providing a video tutorial on how to integrate.

4. Offer a trial or demo. One of the best ways to handle objections is to let the customer try your SaaS service for themselves. For example, you can offer a free trial of your SaaS service for a specific period of time, during which the customer can test the service and see the value for themselves.

5. Follow up. Even if a customer has objections, it’s important to follow up with them and keep the conversation going. For example, after a customer expresses an objection, you can follow up with them a few days later to check in and see if they have any additional questions or concerns. This shows that you’re committed to helping them find a solution that works for them.

In conclusion, objections are just a normal part of the sales process, but by listening actively, providing specific examples, addressing the customer’s pain points, offering a trial or demo, and following up, you can turn those objections into closed deals. Remember to always tailor your approach to the individual customer and you’ll be closing more deals in no time.


What are the most common objections in SaaS sales?

There are a few objections that come up frequently during the sales process. Understanding these objections and knowing how to effectively address them can make a big difference in your ability to close deals.

One of the most common objections is price. Potential customers may feel that your product is too expensive compared to the competition or that they don’t have the budget for it. To address this objection, it’s important to emphasize the value that your product brings to the table and how it can save the customer money in the long run. For example, if your SaaS product is a project management tool, you could point out how it can increase productivity and streamline processes, ultimately saving the customer time and money.

Another common objection is that the potential customer already has a similar product in place. To address this, you could highlight the unique features and benefits of your product and how it can add value to the customer’s existing workflow. For example, your SaaS product may have more advanced reporting capabilities or better integration options.

A third common objection is that the customer is not ready to make a decision yet. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as needing to get approval from multiple stakeholders or wanting to evaluate other options first. In this case, it’s important to be patient and offer to schedule a follow-up call or meeting to touch base at a later date. You could also offer to send over more information or resources that can help the customer in their decision-making process.

In summary, common objections in SaaS sales include price, competition, and timing. By understanding these objections and having a plan to address them, you can increase your chances of closing deals and growing your business.